
Sunway Lagoon

Finally finish upload my sunway lagoon photo la..... happy :)
never take photo like this... didnt wear shirt woh... and show my ugly body TT^TT
only 1 picture can pass.. and it already be my facebook “big head picture”... wakakakakaka

Going to sunway its really fun, wit all my exclassmate, have long long time didnt go out gathering like this
very miss that school time moment...

This is not all the best fren come out, have few of them busy can not come out,
very dissapointed on that.
Maybe on next time ask them out, but it will not at sunway again lo, cos alrdy go there.
not much people wan to go again on the same year.. maybe later lo..

Hope can see them again soooooooooooooooooooooooooon la...

